Keto energy gels are ideal for low carbohydrate training or to boost ketones during long training sessions or races.

By training in ketosis the body is able to reduce weight, which significantly improves power to weight ratio for competition. This strategy allows training to move into the fat burning zone, whilst maintaining endurance. Training whilst on a keto diet switches on the endurance genes and allows the cells to burn fat as well as carbs during competition. To improve endurance, use in training for moderate exercise (up 70% VO2 max).

Training for endurance and power ideally requires 2-3 days on a keto diet followed by 4-5 days on carbs. This ensures that the body is still able to achieve and maintain peak power during competition.

For Audax / Randonnees or ultra endurance athletes there is often a challenge to get enough calories for the exercise duration. This is when the keto gels are an integral part of the nutrition regime. They provide the ketones to allow the body to switch into burning ketones without the ‘keto knock’ or loss of energy when transitioning from carbohydrate energy dependence to keto-dependent energy.

Another possible advantage of a keto diet is that it reduces reliance on consuming carbohydrates during exercise, meaning that it could be a preferred fuelling strategy for some ultra-endurance events where fuelling stations are limited, or for individuals who develop stomach issues when fuelling with carbs during racing. Be sure to test this out well before race day if it’s an option you want to consider.

Researchers from New Zealand took on that question, testing the effects of a keto diet on exercise efficiency through measuring how much energy is required to perform work, relative to body mass and speed.

In the study, researchers had a small sample of eight trained endurance athletes follow both a keto diet and their normal diets, which consisted of similar protein levels. When following the keto diet, participants consumed low levels of carbohydrates, and instead got most of their fuel from high-fat meals. They only consumed 4% carbs and upped their fat intake to 78%. Normal diets consisted of around 43% carbs and 38% fat.

They then underwent treadmill stress testing, where they ran to exhaustion.

Researchers found that when the participants followed a keto diet and exercised at less than 60% of their VO2 max—the amount of oxygen you can efficiently consume and use—their exercise efficiency remained the same.

However, above 70% of VO2 max, their maximum speed declined.

In summary, keto gels are ideal for long distance when working below 70% VO2 max.

When performing above 70% VO2 max a mixed training regime of 2-3 days on keto and 4-5 days is more appropriate.

Do not consume more than 4 sachets per day. Not suitable for children, pregnant or lactating women.